I am such a bad blogger. It could be because I am so busy that I can't seem to keep my head above the water!!! There has been so much going on in the lives of the Hills that its hard to keep up. I get an email every once in awhile about the lack of information on our blog. So, here goes.
Molly will be 6 in January! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of her birthday. She must talk about her "Fancy Nancy" party atleast twice a day. She and I have collected tea cups and saucers for her friends and she can't wait until the day comes when she can celebrate her birthday with them. She chose "Fancy Nancy" because, well, quite frankly - she is Fancy Nancy! The girl is full glam! She uses BIG words and I think learns a new 'fancy' word every day! She learned to ice skate in Oklahoma a couple of weeks ago and now she is officially ready for the Olympics! She and Oksana Bahul (sp) grew up in the same town in Ukraine. Speaking of Olympics, Molly's other passion is gymnastics. She has always had a talent for gymnastics but I never wanted to push her. She would go each week, pass her skills tests each time, and just go with the flow. Well, one day, she began to do flips in the yard and became quite the daredevil! She looked at me one day and said "I want to do one of those backflips like Nastia." (meaning Nastia Luikin). So, I spotted her in a back handspring and the next thing you know, she is trying it on her own! So, I enrolled her in private lessons with Coach Stephanie so she doesn't break her neck! Stephanie says she is VERY good for a 5 year old! I don't want to be one of those pushy moms that thinks my daughter is the best so I am just "going with the flow." What happens, happens.
Madeline - well, our baby is 8 months old! She finally rolled over from front to back and then back to front. I never know how I will find her in her crib in the mornings! She flips and flops all over the place. I think she must watch her sister and then attempt to do the same gymnastics in her bed!!! She cut her first tooth the day after Thanksgiving. It was like a PARTY when I felt it! We ran around Craig's sister's house like maniacs having everyone feel her tooth. It was quite exciting! Well, her second tooth came in the day of her 8th month birthday. She has been MISERABLE! We have not slept in a week and we spend lots of quality time togther in the middle of the night fighting those teeth! She is sleeping soundly now so I should be sleeping too! Madeline is sitting up all by herself and she has even gotten in the "crawling stance." She scoots very well on her belly so she may be ready to start crawling any minute! We have her enrolled in Kindermusik and she absolutely LOVES it. When we are there, she lights up. She LOVES to hear Brooke sing. I think we all do! She has such a gift with kids and music. She is a great teacher. When we play the music at home, its almost as if she is trying to find Brooke. Its so cute!
We are headed to Key West on New Year's Eve. My brother and his wife welcomed a new baby into their homes in November. Sydney Claire made her arrival 3 weeks early! She is sooooo stinkin adorable. She looks alot like Michael but what is even more strange - she and Madeline look soooo much alike. Its so cute! I can't wait to meet her!!!!!
Mom has been helping so much with the kids. She is a TRUE LIFESAVER and the best grandmother in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't live without her! She went to Key West for two weeks and we were miserable!!!
Ballet is going well. We have our Christmas play on Tuesday, December 16. I have the best ballerinas in the world! But, we all need a break! We are tired.
Grace Adoption Ministry is getting closer and closer to getting off the ground. My dear friend, Camille, and I met with the elders of our church tonight. It went exceptionally well! Thank you, Lord, that you use people to help in rescuing the orphans of this world!
I guess that is all for now! Blessings to you all!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Hills