Wow - its been way too long since I updated this site. It was brought to my attention when a friend asked if things were okay because I had not updated the blog. Shame on me :)
I can't believe our baby is 6 months old!!!! Its so hard to imagine that its been that long since God brought her into our lives. She has changed so much and its amazing to see her personality coming out each and every day.
The girls were both baptized at church on September 28th. It was an amazing time and we are so very thankful that our church is so supportive of us and our adoption. We thought it was important to have both girls baptized and dedicated to the Lord. Its also important to us that our church is involved in helping us raise these two precious gifts from God. We had many friends and family there to support us and to show their love for our girls.
Today was a big day - Madeline finally rolled over. Its been quite frustrating to hear all these other babies her age having mastered the art of rolling over at such an early age. I was beginning to worry a little because I feel like we work on it all the time. She absolutely hates tummy time so it was quite an effort to get her to do it. But, she did this morning!!! When I walked into her room during nap, she had rolled over again and was kicking the musical mobile to make the music turn on. She is so smart! She rolled over again tonight just for her sister!
This month has been exciting in the life of Madeline. She ate her first baby food and I must say that she takes after her daddy - her favorite is sweet potatoes! She loves them! We now eat baby food throughout the day and it has given her more incentive to sleep harder during the night and naptime!!! That is great news for all of us.
Madeline also took her first trip to New Orleans to meet her uncle, Michael. This was their first meeting and they both fell in love with one another. If you remember, Michael and his wife, Cristi, are expecting their first, Sydney Claire, in December. Michael was able to get lots of practice with Madeline! He is now ready to tackle being a Daddy!!! Molly had a great time showing Madeline around the Big Easy. We did have quite the fender bender on our way out of town but thank you, Lord, we were hit by a cardiovascular surgeon and he is willing to just write a check for the damages!
Molly is in Kindergarten part-time and we are homeschooling the other days. It seems to be working well and she is so busy with ballet, gymastics, and art that she gets plenty of socializing.
Corum Deo Dance Academy is going well. I have about 60 students and we are having a ball. Its been such a blessing to have added students this year. Things are gearing up for our Christmas production. I am just praying for help! Its hard to homeschool, be a Mommy, run a household, and then run a dance company. I am meeting with a couple of girls next week to see about partnering with them! I am excited!
Madeline goes to the doctor on Tuesday for her 6 month old shots. She probably weighs about 15 pounds! But, she is still so tiny. She has noticed her toes and LOVES to play with them. Its quite amuzing!
We love our girls so much! We are so blessed to have them in our lives. We are also so thankful to their life mommies that chose to give them life! Speaking of life mommies, "B" and I talked a couple of weeks ago. I miss her terribly! I went into a restaurant this evening and a girl was wearing "B's" perfume - I got teary-eyed! It reminded me so much of her and how much I love and miss her!
Below are some photos of these last few months. I promise I will try to update more often!!!
The Hills