I can't believe its been almost a month since I posted last. I used to be on this thing so much but I guess having a newborn takes a little more time than I am used too!!! Don't get me wrong, I love it! Madeline is growing so much and she finally hit the double digits in her weight! She is now 11.3 pounds and growing. She even has a few rolls on her thighs. She won't appreciate me saying that when she is 15!
Madeline is becoming more vocal everyday. She has decided that she really likes to hear herself talk and most of the time its on her changing table. Its the funniest thing but she talks more while I change her diaper than anytime throughout the day. We aren't sure the fascination with the changing table but its so cute to watch. She is now in Kindermusik and loves it. She loves music and I hear it helps with so much of her development! She is the youngest one in there and its cute to watch her face and her expressions with the various types of activities.
We were able to see Madeline's birthmom a few weeks ago when she got married. We were invited and got to witness such a precious ceremony. I have mixed emotions because I feel like B is a daughter to me. She, her now husband, and her son moved to Vegas. I am so happy for her and want her to start over but I miss her terribly! She called last week and I was so excited to talk to her!!! I hope that one day we can travel out there to see her but we are waiting on her invite. Its still so hard for her to see us at times and I don't blame her if she wants to be distant for awhile. Madeline gave her a precious bracelet on her wedding day as well as a book called, "Never, Never, Never Will She Stop Loving You." Its so precious and I substituted her name for the name in the book. I hope it touches her life like it has ours!!!! I still thank God every day for her!
Molly starts kindergarten this year! She is going to a private school for two days and then I am homeschooling the other three days. I have already heard ALL the comments I possibly can hear and I'm okay - people are entitled to their opinion. But, Craig and I feel such a calling to homeschool and we are learning to be God-pleasers and not Man-pleasers. That is soooo hard for me because I have been a people pleaser all my life. But, I am trusting God in His plan and Will for our lives - He does know best! I have a great support system at our church and there are a number of people who homeschool. I am actually pretty excited about it!
Some prayer requests:
My friend, Jamie and her family - her dad is recovering from surgery. He has been diagnosed with cancer. He has undergone radiation and chemo and had surgery last week. The doctors sent him home today so we are praying for a complete recovery!
Another friend, Ashley, is in Ethiopia adopting a son! They should have arrived tonight and I can't wait to hear all about it! Pray that things go well and that they can get home in a timely manner!!!
My friend, Stephanee, she is Ashley's sister. She is keeping Ashley's daughter! Also, she is getting ready to host the two girls she plans to adopt! They come in at the end of the week. They are also submitting their dossier to adopt these two girls on August 7th!!!
I am going to post some new photos of the girls. I'll write more this week after we celebrate Molly's Adoption Day!!!! On August 5th we will be celebrating this special day!!!
The Hills