I wasn't sure how to title this post. We've had so much going on that I am not sure what I would call it. We do spend alot of time at home but we are so blessed to get to have fun time with friends.
Madeline is now 4 months. We went to the doctor on Wednesday and she is 11 pounds 15 ounces, 24 inches long and growing. She is still tiny but she is much bigger than when she was born. I think she is doing fine but the doctor ordered more "tummy time" so that she can start to roll over. She did roll over from front to back once! She absolutely HATES tummy time! But, we followed doctors orders and tried it. I could only handle the screaming alittle bit and then I gave in! I am a sucker!
We went to the Ski Lodge today with some friends and we put her in the pool for the first time. We have been so blessed to have my god-daughter, Kayla, with us all week. Craig and Mom were out of town so the extra set of hands was nice! Kayla is excellent with children and she will make a great mommy one day but for now, she is only 12. I have attached a photo of Madeline in the pool - she LOVED IT!
Molly, Craig, and I got to spend the day with some friends at Sea World last week. We had a great time! Craig and I were able to act like kids and ride all the rollercoasters - it was a blast!!! Molly loved the Shamu show and she even got a little teary eyed (along with her mom) at the overwhelming feeling of seeing this huge whale do tricks.
Madeline has been in Kindermusik and loves it. Her Aunt Brooke does a great job and we are having so much fun. We've taken a break from it and will start back in September.
Ballet starts the second week of September and I am already full! More than half the students are NEW!!! Praise God! I am so excited and I have really missed my little dancers so much.
I think that is it for now. Here are some new photos and I hope you enjoy them.
The Hills
PS - I don't know if anyone even reads this thing but I'll keep it updated just in case :)